Monday, October 18, 2010

Different Doctor with more advice

I don't know how many guys read this, but it is about my trip to the gynecologist. So stop now if you don't want to hear what she had to say about what I should do.

I saw a new doctor this morning. Dr. Wendie Trubow, gynecologist. I love her!! Other than doing my annual, she gave me advice on how to cut down on the bloating, what I should be eating for breakfast, and what I should be doing in general to feel better during my period and everyday life. She is also gluten-, dairy-, soy-, egg- free so her advice is actually from her experience. She explained things in detail but not like I was a little kid. She told me what she was doing, but not a play-by-play like some of the other doctors I have been to. Very informative and nice! Another great doctor at Visions Medical Center.

Bloating: Caused by constipation. I know it is not a great topic to discuss, but Dr. Trubow told me that I should be pooping 2-3 times a day. I am definitely not doing that, but I am not constipated by my definition of the word. She noticed the bloating right away and hopefully upping the Magnesium Citrate will help with that.

Breakfast: I am going to start making shakes of medical food and egg/rice protein powders. Then switching to medical food with frozen fruits and fresh veggies. It is supposed to detox my liver and move the hormones to my gut. Supposedly the liver and gut are what cause the intense PMS/Cramping/Bleeding. The birth control hormones go into your blood stream, get detoxed by the liver, and then get flushed out through the gut. If one part of the cycle is off then the hormones get split and most go back into the blood stream, so you have an overabundance of the hormone that causes bleeding/pain/PMS. Hopefully fixing the cycle will create less pain during my period and make me feel better during the rest of the month.

Other advice: I need to cut down on processed foods and sugar. No cookies, cakes, brownies, pasta, breads, etc. The less sugar and processed foods, the better I should feel. I'll try it and see what the outcome is.

I need to finish up my bottle of Travacor and then see what a different option is since I don't get into a deep sleep at night. I'm going to take more Travacor this weekend see how I feel when I wake up. Maybe it will make me sleep better.

That is it for today. Just thought that I would update everyone. It has been a long time and I need to get better about posting things again. Have a great day!