Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back on Track!

First, I want to say thank you to my brother for posting a link to this on his facebook. I got a lot more views because of it.

Today I feel much better than I have the past few days. I have decided to not eat chicken for a while and come back to it in a few weeks to see if it is what is making me sick. Last week, especially Saturday, every time that I thought about chicken, smelled chicken, or tasted chicken I felt like I was going to throw up. I don't know if it was the chicken itself or something I put with it. To solve this problem I am going to eliminate it for a little while and then try it again. Maybe it was just a sickness or something. It is tough to figure out what it is that makes me feel sick.

I started taking a wheatgrass shot in the morning before my breakfast. It seems to help with the bloating and makes me feel much better in general. I have been taking one a day for 20 days, then today I added in a second shot in the afternoon. I am hoping that this will help even more. A couple of weeks ago I took a shot and then an hour later I noticed that I was not bloated at all!! It was so exciting for em since I have been bloated every day for about 2-3 years and doctors had no idea why. It was short lived, but still an accomplishment! I'm hoping that upping my intake of fruits, veggies, flaxseed, and wheatgrass may make the bloating less and less. And cutting chicken out of my diet might help the bloating too, if that is a sensitivity now.

Most days I have a fruit smoothie with ground flaxseed in it in the morning with my spinach omelet. Having all of those things for breakfast makes me feel full and healthier. I have stopped the smoothies for the past few days because my fiance has been going into work later and the blender would wake him up. I try to be as quiet as possible in the morning. Usually just Ellen and typing on my laptop.

I have been going to bed later and sleeping in! People who know me know that I would normally wake up by 8am every morning no matter what time I went to bed the night before. These days I wake up between 9am and 10am. This makes me skip Ellen most days (she is on from 9am-10am), which I am not happy about, but sleeping in is an accomplishment for me. I immediately get the wheatgrass shot out of the freezer and put it in a bowl of warm water to defrost then sit down to my laptop. After about a half hour, I drink the shot, then go back to the laptop or tv. My breakfast doesn't happen until 11am-noon so I don't eat a second meal until midafternoon and am fine for the night. I have snacks throughout the day to make up the meal that I am missing, but for now having 2 meals a day keeps me full and feeling good.

I spend my time making jewelry that I sell. I keep myself busy either teaching myself something new or coming up with new combinations of beads/lengths. It is a great hobby and I hope that I can turn it into a career. A bunch of friends and I were talking about how it is unusual to know what you want to do (and actually accomplish that) before you turn 25. You come up with all different plans of action throughout your childhood and it changes anytime something sounds interesting. I have to agree with that. I am not 25 yet, but I think I found what I want to do for the rest of my life and what I am good at. Now I just need to figure out how to make that happen. Luckily all of my friends and family are behind me on this. I have never felt this kind of support before on anything that I have done. It is a great place to be. I have this gut feeling that this is what I am supposed to do at this moment. If it wasn't, then I think something else would have worked out. I am selling quite a lot of jewelry, I have people supporting me, and friends willing to help this happen. I feel inspired to do this.

Anyway, I am off to enjoy my night with a good book and The Biggest Loser! Hope you all have a great night.